Mug Club

Join our mug club!

Every time you visit, get a super swanky oversized pour in your very own, locally made craft beer mug, and you save a $1 off on top of that! Raised pinky not required, but pairs well with the swankiness 😉

Is that all?

No, it gets better! You also own your mug, so no worry about losing it.

Is that all?

Still nope! You also get an invitation to our Winter and Summer Mug Club Parties for yourself and a guest! Parties are a chance for us to show off specialty, one-off, experimental, and other wild and crazy batches for your enjoyment.

So what does it take to be just this awesome in the Mug Club?

Practically nothing! New signups are $100, and when you come up for your annual renewal it’s only $75 to re-up! Each year you get another mug (we keep one here for you to use when you visit, your choice which), and we buy you a beer on your annual signup and renewal.

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